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Who is Bennion Group?

Bennion Group is a unique team of consultants that help companies achieve top-line revenue growth through better intelligence, improved market influence, and enhanced product development, marketing, and sales processes. Our intelligence research empowers companies to better anticipate, understand, and influence their customers and competitors. Our product, market strategy, and sales processes help turn our client’s influence into sales and market share.
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What sets us apart?

Our History

All of our consulting and training is based upon our research. We understand the importance of considering all stakeholders in the implementation of any effective market strategy or plan, and of getting the best market information before proceeding. Most research teams offer either competitor intelligence, or research into customer perceptions and needs —we do both! We can also provide direct support to sales.

Over the years, Bennion Group has refined processes that combine intelligence, influence, and strategy in ways that provide our clients with a distinct competitive advantage within their industry.
Bennion Group was founded in 1991 by Kent and Nancy Potter as a solutions provider for palm-top hardware and software integration. (Truly bleeding edge, as they found out: Neither the hardware nor the markets were ripe!) As Kent and Nancy met with companies and learned more about the problems they faced, they identified unfulfilled needs for market intelligence in support of new product development and sales execution. Kent’s background in Military Intelligence also prompted some insights into understanding that much of the information that companies needed might be obtainable ethically.

Several companies (BellSouth, others) approached them for intelligence services, Kent and Nancy changed the focus of Bennion Group from providing technical service to corporate intelligence and market strategy.

By 2001, Bennion Group had established itself as a corporate consultant for intelligence and marketing strategy. Over the years, Kent and Nancy with their team at Bennion Group have expanded their reach worldwide in providing corporations the intelligence and training they need to develop stronger marketing strategies and to build their own corporate intelligence processes. For years, Bennion Group has helped companies across the world to grow their top-line revenue andto build processes that sustain their long-term strategies for growth.

Our Extended Network and International Reach

For over two decades, Bennion Group has created an extensive world-wide network of analysts and industry experts. We offer companies the opportunity to expand their reach or market share in North America, Asia, South America, Europe, and Africa. (We don’t serve Antarctica – yet). Our strong, extended network allows us to give worldwide coverage for intelligence research, consulting services, tradeshow ROI, and numerous other services.