
Trade Show Services

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Face-to-face event marketing usually includes commonly-ignored opportunities and hidden costs. We can help customers double ROI/ROO for their trade show investment. This is done through a combination of training, diagnostics, and establishing processes. We can even help hone in on the shows that will provide the most bang for the buck.

Trade shows and exhibitions certainly generate a lot of leads - but also a huge amount of work! Think of all the times that you met golden contacts - only to discover later that they simply fell through the cracks, or that you didn't remember key details. Your sales support team can help you get maximum ROI from trade shows.
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A. Lead generation pre-show.
Most sales people find that exhibitions are a great opportunity to meet with key prospects who will be in attendance. The problem is that it takes so long to set these meetings up! So many calls must be made. Your PSS staff could help you schedule meetings in advance with the right people.

B. Prospect debriefs during the show.
The concept here is similar to the sales call debriefs described elsewhere, but with the note that on a trade show floor, the contacts often come quickly. Using a debriefing card and a digital voice recorder, you can download your knowledge about your contacts quickly – along with what needs to be done to follow up – before you forget the details.
Within a day, you can get a lead-sheet with the details on each key contact you met that day, along with what you promised to do next. No more scribbles on business cards in hopes that you can remember who needed what.

C. Competitor intelligence debriefs.
Trade shows are a wonderful place to gather it – and regular debriefings will capture it. Record the information as you encounter it - and your support team will aggregate and organize it into a post-show report that you can share with headquarters.
Alevant Inc. is a Bennion Group brand that focuses completely on trade show ROI.

Whom does this benefit?

Anyone looking get more ROI/ROO out of trade shows that they are already attending or thinking of attending. Companies that spend a lot on exhibitions, and want more leads and intelligence as a result.

How does it work?

We’ll walk you through five key steps
  1. Conduct a diagnostic analysis of your current return on investment/return on objective for the trade shows and conferences you attend. Which shows give you the most bang for your buck?
  2. Establish a process for better harvesting and capturing lead information that helps you establish an intimate connection with your prospects
  3. Train your staff on how to professionally read prospects’ body language and how to ethical.
  4. Train your staff to use the right body language themselves, while observing the five key principles of effective boothmanship.
  5. Find ways to measurably improve your tradeshow results, both in terms of new sales and effective competitive intelligence

How do I start?

A one-day diagnostic is easy to arrange, and gives you immediate tasks you can do to improve your results. Give us a call.

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Consulting Diagnosis