Product Development and Go-to-Market Strategy
Stage-Gate Product Development (1-2 days)

a. Development diagnostics –Identifying principal roadblocks to winning products, and overcoming them
b. Building the team, assigning the roles – Who should do what, when, and why for maximum impact while minimizing cost.
c. If you build it, will they come? How to ensure that building the product doesn’t become more important than pleasing the customer
d. The role of intelligence - double-speed the development cycle by integrating customer and competitor intelligence
Building a Go-to-Market Strategy (1-2 days)

a. Preserving value in the partnering process – How to identify which portions of your product or service you can and should consider sharing, and which you must jealously protect in order to preserve your intellectual property and brand value
b. Channel and partner intelligence – How to find and identify partners that will add value and not problems
c. Creating a channel strategy – Developing a channel strategy that fosters growth across regions and over time, as you, your products, and your partners all change to meet market demands
Competitive Role Play and Business Wargaming

a. War Gaming: How Will the Game Play Out with a Specific Competitor? (0.5 day)
b. Table-Top Competitive Role Play: How Will the Market Respond to Your Next Move? (0.5 day)
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Who We Are
We are a global consulting company focused on helping our clients achieve top-line revenue growth. We are experts in product and market strategy, market influence, and competitive intelligence.